Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Takeover Tuesday: Branding Revisited

Following the last post, I was asked to provide some thoughts on the idea of companies encouraging their employees to engage in "personal branding".  Not knowing what that meant, I had to ask for clarification.  It is, as was explained to me, the act of projecting an appearance, managing your image, and other such rot, all for a specific purpose.  A quick internet search confirmed this, while simultaneously setting off a gag reflex.  I imagine that the purpose is strictly career related and involves "getting ahead".  I won't go much into detail here other than to say unequivocally that it is the absolute worst form of branding.  Not that it does not work for its intended purpose, but that there is nothing good in its intended purpose.  It validates the corrosive and dehumanizing aspects of a sterile corporate environment.  I have to ask, as before, can the full scope of one's being be contained within a slogan?  The obvious answer is no, and those who believe that theirs can be are, again, artificially reducing themselves to a fake, 2D version of their full human self.  As a final note on this idea, I do think the previous post applies to this particular form of branding even better than the specifics I mentioned.

What I think may be better to explore is the question of why employers find it necessary to direct employees in actions outside their purview.  In a healthy economic model, employees are hired to perform a function in the business, not a commodity to be managed by the employer.  Employees agree to sell their time and talents in return for compensation, they should not be asked to sell anything else.  This problem points to a disordered system.  Work, rightly considered, is a necessary fact of life, not the core.  Its place is properly found alongside sleep and brushing your teeth, though I do love a good sleep far more than a day at work.  So maybe alongside taking out the trash.  You get the point.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The most wonderful time of the year

Well, it certainly was a interesting couple of days. We will just say that thing did not go exactly according to plan!  I am so happy that we were able to keep a sense of humor about us and not turn it into a stressful time. I look forward to the day that we will look back and laugh about that "one awful Christmas".
The kids are happy. For the most part, Santa brought them what they wanted. We had a few sad moments, when we didn't get "THE" item. But it has passed and we are now appreciative for what we did get. We had a wonderful time visiting with all of our family this holiday season. It was nice to see some that we had not seen in quite awhile!
All in All, we are a very lucky family. It can be so chaotic with a large family, but I wouldn't want it any other way!! Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas 2010

Well, Christmas is coming. SOON. I hope that I am going to be ready for it. Christmas with 5 kids is so very exhausting. It is hard to believe that we will be having our last "first Christmas". I am having a hard time accepting that.  I feel like I need to make it extra special, but, yes, I know, she will not even notice. I guess it would be for me really. But I have this desire to go all out. Which is not really a possibility. Which is where the 5 kids= exhausting comes into play. It is always hard to make sure that I have 1 on 1 time with each of the kids, but at Christmas time, it is really really hard.  We barely found time to put up a tree this year. We did finally get it up, and what a beautiful tree it is. haha. The kids went to town on decorating it. And I just let them do what ever they wanted. Usually, I stress myself out trying to make it at least look decent, but this year, who cares. They had so much fun. Keep in mind, it is basically a ring around the middle. It can't go too low or the baby will get it, and it only goes as high as the kids can reach. As, the bulbs get knocked down, which they in-evidently will, I try to space them out a bit. But really this is a great part of Christmas, let the kids have their fun!!
On Thursday, the kids are having their Christmas parties at school. Should be interesting. Brian and I are signed up to help run the party in Abby class. We are also in charge of all the food. They are doing a "fancy" Caitlin restaurant theme.  So, it is actually a meal. Should be interesting. Let's hope all goes well. Will be sure to post after!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bumper stickers, tattoos, and branding.

First off, I’d like to lodge a complaint with management.  I won’t since I’m here rent free, but I’d like to.  I proposed this be named, “And now for something completely different..” as a shameless rip-off of Monty Python, and because I do believe it will apply.  Alas, it didn’t comply with house rules, and it is Tuesday.

I’ve never cared  for bumper stickers, but never thought to consider why.  Likewise, I never much cared for tattoos or the corporate trend of branding.    

The problem with any of the above is not that there is something wrong or improper about making a public statement by any of these means, but it does something that I think is unintentional.  It limits the announcer.  It by definition reduces the announcer.  I came across this by Chesterton.  It was one of those cases where, as he often does, he makes an offhand comment that is indisputably true in order to make some point or other about a specific issue, which you realize is a universal truth that can be applied anywhere as needed.  In this case I think he was making some rebuttal to some at the time recent claim by his perpetual antagonist, Mr. Bernard Shaw, in regards to free will.  Anyhow, the comment went along the lines of the fact that to choose any action is, by definition, limiting or excluding.  By choosing one act, you are simultaneously choosing not to act in every other way.  As one may imagine, dwelling on this idea can easily lead one to paralysis. 
There is a point here.  By choosing to place on your truck a bumper sticker showing a character with the likeness of Calvin letting loose on a Ford emblem tells the world that, above all else, you dislike an American corporation that makes automobiles a lot less than a different American corporation that makes automobiles.  The full scope of this individual’s concerns in the world, so far as I can tell, is who owns the plant in Mexico that made their truck.  Viva Saltillo!  It also shows that you’ve got no respect for Bill Watterson, which is unforgivable.  

At the other end of the spectrum,  take the “COEXIST” bumper sticker, invariably attached to the bumper of either a Volvo or Prius driven by a middle-aged woman fancying herself morally superior to the commoners she must believe to only care about truck manufacturers and killing foreigners.  Rodney King, that most clairvoyant of philosophers, said the same thing more intelligibly.

I think this also applies to the others, branding and tattoos.  It’s common for corporations to take on “branding” initiatives.  This again is by its nature limiting.  Branding boils down to creating some visual and/or aural stamp (tattoo) that sums up the corporation’s philosophy.  See for example, tattoos and bumper stickers.  I understand it has a monetary payback, if it didn’t, corporations wouldn’t do it.  But I believe the “uneasiness” I have with it is that the idea even exists.  I don’t think this idea of corporate branding could ever exist in an environment where there were REAL, clear differences between companies or products.  Think a local brewery…  The good ones don’t need slogans.  The beer at a typical microbrewery should be unique, and its identity is upheld in what IT IS, not what their sign says.  Likewise, I believe that the individuals slapping these stickers on their cars are unique, and are not so self limiting as their announcements suggest.

I’ve more to say on this, but I’ve been told my allotted time is up, so I’ll leave it here. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

Theme day

Ok, well it looks like I have pick a theme day for my blog. Or rather it has picked me. My husband decided he would like to "guest blog" on my page.  So starting tomorrow, it will be Take Over Tuesday.  Why does he not simply get his own blog you ask? No idea. But he is a really good writer. It will be interesting to see what topics he picks. Hopefully, it will be interesting!! Probably better than my posts!  LOL!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Too somewhat steal an idea from and fellow blogger but also due to some new circumstances, I wanted to talk about FB. I do not think that FB is evil or wrong,  in fact, I think it can be really great,when used properly.  But who determines what is a proper use? I have recently been "friended" by some very young friends.  Now, I am not sure how I feel about this. I have always viewed my FB, as "my time" some grown up time, if you will. I get on after the kids go to bed, catch up on life and relax. Now, I feel as though I need to monitor everything that I say and do. Now keep in mind, I don't really do anything R rated, but the possibility is there if I really need to. But is the responsibility really mine? Shouldn't the parents of these young kids be responsible. They know there is stuff out there, that I would hope they wouldn't want their kids to be a part of.
Plus, once again it is challenging my parenting decisions. Because they are not much older than my own children. This will cause problems on my own home front.  Once they realize what is going on, I will once again, because world's worst mom. ugh.  This is really bugging me.  Because I really feel like I am between a rock and a hard place.  To not friend this child could be a big problem, but if I do, I will always feel monitored.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Ok, well I am at that awful point, where as a parent you have to decide if you need to take your sick kid in for a dr visit. Actually x2. Neither one is a clear cut case, I wonder if I am reading more into it than I should, I think I am feeling the pressure because the dr office will be closed for the long holiday weekend. And it would have to be pretty damn bad for me to go to the stupid urgent care. So, now I will spend tonight trying to decide what to do. Emelia has been sick for a couple of weeks now, really just a cold. But she has been so fussy the last couple of days, it makes me wonder if it has settled into a ear infection or something. She also digs in her ear and makes it bleed. But there is no fever and really no other symptoms. Just a lot of nasal fluid and a worried mama. Ugh. I hate making decisions. I really wish I had an on call free pediatrician at my disposal.  Seems like something they would give you after your 5th baby. Although at this point, I feel like I could almost pass a medical exam. But no, they sent me home with nothing, just like every other time. I guess I will see how the night goes, if we don't sleep, we will go in. I guess that is my decision for now.  I HATE cold & flu season!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Finally a relaxed weekend!!

Well, I certainly am not doing very well with this blogging thing. I have already forgotten about it most of the time. But hopefully, having 5 kids cuts me a little slack.
Things around here are doing pretty well. Nothing too exciting going on. It was a nice weekend. My sister came out Friday to visit for the day. It was so much fun, I certainly missed her while she was on vacation. Happy to have her home and I know she is happy to see me! haha.
Saturday morning, Brian decided to go out hunting. Keep in mind, he has not been hunting in a few years and was totally unprepared. But he decided to go, he sighted in his gun Friday night, and apparently he was all set. Meanwhile, Friday night, Amy and I took the kids to Marino's for dinner. The kids love when Aunt Amy visits, she always, gets us to do fun stuff! But it was fun and it distracted the kids from the parade that I didn't want to go to! I am a great mom! But it was sooo cold, and with the baby.... Well, lets say it would have been a long night.
So Saturday, Brian went out hunting, so the kids and I had a lazy morning. We have no had one is soo long. It was wonderful. That afternoon, maddie and I went out for some one on one time (well, + Emelia of course) It was fun! Maddie is my little shopper. We had lunch did some shopping and got her haircut. Later that night, Brian and I went over to U of M, to visit Uncle Denny and Kevin. They were both doing great!
Finally, on Sunday we got the house picked up a little and then had some friends over to visit. My friend Casey her boyfriend and her daughter Meghan came over. We had a good time. I have not seen them in 5 years!! Crazy!!
The only problem we seem to have these days is Miss Isabella and her lack of going to the bathroom. All of a sudden she just goes in her pants. I really don't understand it , and it is driving me crazy!!  I am not sure how to fix it, but am constantly battling with it.
But all in all it was a good weekend. It was fairly relaxed, about as good as they get around here, so we just enjoyed it!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

a second blog

Well, after a very unexpected conversation. I have been doing some thinking. I think that I am going to start a new blog. Yes, because I have been doing so well on this one. My fans are demanding a second one! LOL! So anyway. I am very excited to start putting together some bits and pieces to of  my new blog. It is going to be on the one thing that I can kinda do. Save some cash, and have fun in the process!  Of course, this is a constant project for me. I have only recently realized just how important it is to save some money. Not that I hated it before, but now I have a better appreciation for it. And am working very hard at it.  I am not sure of the exact angle yet, I am thinking of 2 different directions. Hmmm, what to do, what to do.

Friday, November 5, 2010


This entry is dedicated to my precious daughter Isabella. Her and I have had a lot of extra time together since the school year started. It is basically just her and I. Emelia is here too, of course, but she is not truly interacting with us yet. It has been so wonderful to have all this special time with her. I think it is much different this time around. I can now truly understand how fast it really does go.  You hear it time and time again, some old lady in the grocery store "Enjoy this time now, it goes so fast!" Ok lady whatever. As my child is screaming and fighting with her sister and the baby is screaming and you just need to get some milk and bread with out losing your mind. But now I get it. It is here and gone before you know it. Isabella is already talking about wanting to go to school with the big kids, get on the bus in the morning and having lots of fun there. (FYI, she is going straight to 1st grade, she doesn't want to do kindergarten :) I love hanging out with her. We do have our differences, and she does drive me crazy some days. But her knew favorite saying just melts my heart. She tells me "I love you mommy, we have a good family". It truly sums it up. We do have a good family. I love my kids so much.
Isabella just turned 3 and it is such a fun age. For some reason, my kids are always so whiny at 3.  I actually dread it more than the terrible two's. But it is also incredibly fun! She is constantly learning stuff and is so sweet and truly thinks I am her bff. I love it, I wish I could just bottle this up and keep it forever!!
 I love you Isabella!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day

Okay, it has been quite a while since I have been on here. Which is not a good sign since I just got this thing up and running!! But it has been super busy around here. Brian has been working super late at night. He is  working on a project for a class he has to teach. It has been a huge pain in the butt. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. So, I have hope that things will get back to normal soon. Well, normal for us anyway!!
Today is election day. I am very encouraged by all the changes that are happening. I think that the people of our great country are finally realizing what it happening and using their votes to make a difference. This is so great!  I am so thankful for the right to vote and hope that everyone uses this ability to make this world a great place for us and our kiddos!! 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tiny Humans

I realized today that at our house we are drowning in our own clutter. I have always known it was there, but could usually deal with it or make it manageable.  But today, I was just exhausted by all the stuff.  With three kids in school now, the amount of papers that come home are absolutely ridiculous! Everyday I am emptying out backpacks and have no where to put anything. The kids proudly hand me everything they have worked on all day and I just sigh. What to do with it all?? Because, of course, the kids watch it like a hawk to make sure I am proud of it and to see what I do with it. I can only say that it "must have fallen into the garbage" so many times before they figure it out. Now, keep in mind, I do keep all art work and anything extra cute, I am not completely evil. But how many pages of traced letters do I really need? I have tried talking to them about how "mommy can't keep everything" but someone always ends up with hurt feelings.
But besides the papers, there is stuff everywhere.  Toys, clothes, pacifiers, blankies, lunch boxes back packs.  Not to mention how much room the baby takes up. How much room does a tiny person need? Every room of our house is invaded by some large object of hers. Jumperoo, high chair, co-sleeper, glider and on and on. Our house has a great amount of bedroom space, but we are a little short on the finished living space. Someday we will get our basement finished. But right now, the savings account has not given me a thumbs up for such a large project.
I am desperately looking for ways to get more organized. Anything from school papers to remembering to buy butter BEFORE I start cooking dinner, to keeping track of who's field trip is when, so I make sure I get a sitter in time!! I would love some advice on any of this. I am curious as to how everyone else makes it work

Monday, October 18, 2010

Am I really doing this??

Okay, I have been considering doing a blog for quite some time now.  I think I have finally decided to move forward with it and I think I have my sister to thank/blame for that, she got her's started and it inspired me to finish mine.  I am not really sure how this works but will just take it one step at a time. I have been doing that a lot lately. The one step at a time method seems to work really well. I wish I would have started it earlier. But what I do know, is that I have no time to make my blog pretty. So, sorry but you will have to be happy looking at a average page. I will be lucky to get my thoughts down at night before I collapse in a heap.
I am hoping that this will be a good record for me to look back and remember the "good ol' days" of having young kids. But other than that, it is just my rantings!  I hope you enjoy a glimpse into this crazy, fun, sometimes disastrous but always full of laughs attempt to raise 5 kiddos.  Or as I call it my life =)