Saturday, November 27, 2010


Too somewhat steal an idea from and fellow blogger but also due to some new circumstances, I wanted to talk about FB. I do not think that FB is evil or wrong,  in fact, I think it can be really great,when used properly.  But who determines what is a proper use? I have recently been "friended" by some very young friends.  Now, I am not sure how I feel about this. I have always viewed my FB, as "my time" some grown up time, if you will. I get on after the kids go to bed, catch up on life and relax. Now, I feel as though I need to monitor everything that I say and do. Now keep in mind, I don't really do anything R rated, but the possibility is there if I really need to. But is the responsibility really mine? Shouldn't the parents of these young kids be responsible. They know there is stuff out there, that I would hope they wouldn't want their kids to be a part of.
Plus, once again it is challenging my parenting decisions. Because they are not much older than my own children. This will cause problems on my own home front.  Once they realize what is going on, I will once again, because world's worst mom. ugh.  This is really bugging me.  Because I really feel like I am between a rock and a hard place.  To not friend this child could be a big problem, but if I do, I will always feel monitored.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I should proof read more and drink less wine while blogging!! =)
